The Munsters is a 1960s American television sitcom depicting the home life of a family of monsters. The show was a satire of both traditional monster movies and popular family entertainment of the era, such as Leave It to Beaver. It ran concurrently with the The Addams Family. Although the Addamses were well-to-do, the Munsters were a more blue-collar family. The Munsters also had higher Nielsen ratings than The Addams Family.
The original Victorian home of the Munster family was at 1313 Mockingbird Lane in the fictional Mockingbird Heights. The town's location is not specified in the series, but in later incarnations is described as a small town outside of Los Angeles, California. In reality, the exterior shots were filmed on the Universal Studios backlot. The house was built in 1946 for the movie So Goes My Love. [wikipedia]
As a kid would not missed The Munsters especially love watching Herman, acted by the late Fred Gwynne (1926-1993). A tribute to F Gwynne, have long forgotten his real look as a person without the monster makeup. Always fascinated by the screw (not sure what its called) across his neck, flat head and huge body frame. People are strange as most kids would be scared of ghosts or monsters on the contrary Herman is so cool and adorable we all loved him. Guess it takes a bigger monster like me to love another munster like Herman. lol..